A God of Now + Then

Isn’t it mind boggling that we are loved by a God who is completely near to us but isn’t faulting us for our mindsets of now?

He is a God who wants to be with us, bless us, and know us now… but also has a heart for time beyond us.

It makes me realize that I really have a lot to learn about God and His love and His character.

You see, if I were to care about something right now in this moment, it would mean fixating myself on the momentary. It would mean, putting all other thoughts away so I can fully focus on this person, this task, or this idea.

This attention isn’t always easy for us though. With all the world’s demands and schedules, we are sometimes people who are not as meaningful as we would like to be in listening, conversation, and chore. Our minds are like trains that sometimes don’t come to a complete stop like we’ve hoped.

But God, is so able to be fixated on each of us and yet still have hope and beauty for our future.

I think about the Old Testament and how all of the stories and lives somehow aligned to recognize Jesus. We can find person after person in the genealogy of Jesus and not think much of it when this should show us so much about the God we serve!

God is intimately acknowledging each one of us right now AND is stewarding our destiny (destination) well. He isn’t so fixed on us that He has forgotten about what is coming next. He isn’t so consumed with our future that He doesn’t step into our mess right now.

He is One who is all around, good.

A good that all of us longs for.

He is constantly revealing purpose that spurs us on towards the next place. All without causing us to miss what’s right here.

If we could grab hold of this, I think we would be okay with having moments alone with Jesus. Times where we can just think about Him and read His word because we aren’t so consumed with what’s next.

If we can understand that He is beautifully devoted to us now and then, than why not trust Him like we really want to?